Dec 3, 2009

The end of a panic called anesthesia

The main role of the anesthesia it’s to make that the patient do not feel any pain and have no reaction to the surgeon’s maneuver. This medical specialty of a multidisciplinary performance it’s dedicated to relief the patient’s pain and to the patient’s care before, during and after the anesthetic – surgical act. Even with so many benefits, the anesthetic it’s the source of a lot of fear and anxiety to most patients.

Who has heart problems, breathing problems or hypertension, will have a special monitoring to use the anesthesia. Anyone can use anesthesia since verified the cases aforesaid (heart, breathing problems or hypertension). The drug users are the ones that are at risk if any interaction occurs between the drugs and the anesthetic. The general anesthesia can cause some side effects like vomiting and nausea, but there are medications to relief these symptoms.

This situation it’s already changing, the surgery services are adopting the system of perform preoperative evaluations with the anesthetist that will be at the surgery. This procedure not only brings more confidence to the patient about the surgery, decreasing their fears of the surgery, but it also increases the safety of the surgical-anesthetic act, once that it was the anesthetist himself that made all the clinical exams and requested the diagnostic complementation (blood tests, X-Ray, electrocardiogram, etc).


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